

Living in the Moment, Following your Heart

Posted on January 17, 2012 by sandramoore
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One of my seniors has been having a very hard time finalizing college applications. From the moment I first began working with “Jane” as a high school junior, she struck me as exceedingly bright and talented. Able to clearly articulate her particular “needs” and “wants” in a college, Jane impressed me with her high level of self-awareness and self-confidence. As a result, we were able to painlessly develop an appropriate working list of (mostly) selective art schools for her to consider, since “thinking in pictures” is what she has always loved doing and does very well. Indeed, every time we met to discuss college and “next steps” to help her get there, Jane clearly was (in the words of my twenty-something son) “stoked.”

Then, over the December holiday break—and seemingly out of the blue—this kid froze. She was unable to move forward, to complete essential tasks that just a few short weeks ago had not seemed to faze her.  To rev up her engines and get her back on track, I gave her very specific “to do” lists with equally specific deadlines, as well as lots of encouragement and ongoing follow-up (in person as well as via Skype, e-mail and texting).

Still, when I looked at and spoke to her, she resembled a deer in headlights. She was not the “old” Jane I thought I knew but a new, openly terrified version of herself who needed to be nudged by me. Big time.

What happened?

As we all know, applying to college can be overwhelming, even when a student appears to have it “together.” In Jane’s case I discovered it was a fear of commitment that was rearing its ugly head, threatening to derail her.

What if art school is not what I SHOULD be pursuing?
SHOULD I be applying, instead, to liberal arts colleges?
What if I can’t find a job in the arts; SHOULD I go to graduate school?

Jane was second-guessing herself, and all of the careful thinking that had gone into developing and researching her college options as well as the hard work she’d already put into the application process. I’m not saying that kids don’t have the right to change their minds about choices they’ve made. They do…and they do! Certainly, whether you’re 17 or 70, better to change course and rectify an unhappy situation than experience regret later down the road.

But I also tell all my students that living in the moment is all they—and any of us—can do.  So if you’re able to identify a discipline, an activity or a goal about which you are currently passionate AND can demonstrate excellence/leadership related to it (or at the very least, a strong desire/plan for developing same), go for it! (Note: this is not the same as simply following a whim, because your enthusiasm for it can quickly evaporate.)

Students who make a point of getting to know themselves—including their unique strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes—are better poised to make the “right” college and later career choices than those who simply hope for the best. Of course, there are no guarantees. But when self-doubt comes creeping into the equation, just remember: Don’t over analyze your situation or be afraid to listen to your heart. Because if you love what you do, a successful career and gratifying life experience will more often than not follow.

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